Sol Vista Trip - 17-19 Jan 2004

Snowshoeing at Sol Vista

Our boys wanted to try snowboarding and B and I decided to try snowshoeing. Spent the weekend at a great condo near the lifts. We signed the boys up for lessons and then B and I signed up for a snowshoeing "class" consisting of the 2 of us and a guide being taken up the mountain and escorted down. Had a great time learning how to snowshoe and our instructor was very informative.
Near the base of the mountain we came upon Jacob and his instructor. They both collided and the instructor fell on him. Jacob was in a lot of pain and we went with him to the first aid station. After being checked out given a clean bill of health we called it a night.

Snowboarding at Sol Vista

After a long night of Jacob waking up complaining about his arm, we took him to the emergency room. Sure enough, his arm was broken. Quite a trooper for putting up with the pain for as long as he did.
The next day he was feeling much better and talked us in to taking another lesson and getting back on the slopes.

Jacob's Souvenir

Decided to get a shot of the clinic were Jacob got his splint before heading back home.